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Grade 10

Academic Language for ELL 10

Yukon - Department of Education

Academic Language ELL 10 is designed for English Language Learners (ELLs) who have made some progress in developing their Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) already and are ready to more intently and explicitly begin developing academic English (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, or CALPS). In this course, students grow their knowledge and skills for academic communication in English through explicit vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing instruction

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Goals and Rationale

All students, regardless of their age, language or cultural background, require the opportunity to develop their potential to the fullest. While ELLs have much in common with other students, they have specific needs in the areas of language development and cultural adjustment. For many ELLs, the change in their situation requires additional support to help them develop more increasingly complex, sophisticated, and Independent School communication.

Big Ideas

Information is accessed for diverse purposes and from a variety of texts. Contextual academic language is essential for comprehension and to convey meaning in a variety of contexts. Effective communication includes exchanging ideas and viewpoints to share thinking. Understanding cultural context affects how we understand language. Acquisition of English and understanding Canadian culture increases opportunities to participate in the community. and to contribute to society

Additional Information

Introduction to Academic Language ELL 10 enables the English language learners to: • develop and maintain a sense of self-worth • develop and preserve a pride of heritage • develop communicative competence at a level commensurate with the student's potential, in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. • understand aspects of methodology and curriculum that differ from their previous experiences • develop an understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarit

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