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Grade 10

Academic Language for ELL 10

SD36 Surrey

Through Academic Language for ELL 10, students will develop their academic English within a sheltered environment which meets the specific cultural adjustment needs of English Language Learners (ELLs). This course continues to expand upon the skills acquired in Introduction to Academic Language for ELL10.

Approval Date:
Trax Code:
Goals and Rationale

ELLs are continuing their language learning journey of communicative competency. While ELLs have much in common with other students, they have specific needs in the areas of language and cultural adjustment. These needs must be met in such a way that they achieve a level of fluency in English commensurate with their age and ability.

Big Ideas

• Information is accessed for diverse purposes and from a variety of texts • Contextual academic language is essential for comprehension and to convey meaning in a variety of contexts • Effective communication includes understanding and demonstrating cultural nuances and norms • Effective communication includes exchanging ideas and viewpoints to share thinking • Producing writing for authentic audiences and academic purposes is important for comprehension

Additional Information

Recommended Instructional Components: The teacher will design instructional strategies that: • acknowledge the social nature of learning; • embed formative assessment practices such as learning intentions, criteria, questions, descriptive feedback, self and peer-assessment; • provide opportunities for students to share learning and reflect; • utilize technologies and other tools in purposeful ways

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