Climate Change - National and Global Action
Climate change is the most complex and wide-reaching challenge facing humankind today. Reducing the impacts of climate change and moving Canada and the globe toward resilience and adaptability for climate impacts will require substantial changes at all levels of Canadian and global societies. It is critical that Canadians understand climate change causes, impacts and risks. An educated, proactive public, including youth, is essential to driving the required transformation.
The Canadian Climate Atlas identifies goals that are those of Yukon Climate Change 12. The Atlas challenges individuals and communities to take environmental and climate action. Things like upgrading our home insulation, riding our bikes and taking public transit are important, but these small-scale personal choices take place in a wider world.
Processes adding carbon to the atmosphere are causing climate change impacting global environments. Political, economic and social systems supporting the production and consumption of fossil fuels are resistant to change. The rate of climate change gives urgency to achieving net-zero emissions, implementing mitigation measures, and developing adaption plans. Yukon First Nations relationship with the land and water provide insights into the effects of climate change.
The knowledge and experiences of Yukon First Nations provide intimate insights to the impacts that climate change is having on the Yukon environment. Indigenous people have been stewards for and caretakers of the land for countless generations and have known that climate has always been changing – but are now seeing and experiencing the impact that human interference with natural processes is having on climate change.