English Language Development
ELL students will have the opportunity to further develop their facility with reading, writing, listening to and speaking English within the secondary school context. This course is underpinned by a multiliteracies approach and, for this reason, will also include an emphasis on viewing materials and representing understandings in multimedia forms. This course emphasizes development of a strong classroom community as newcomer ELL students develop their knowledge of English and Canadian context.
Learning English as an additional language takes time and active engagement with listening, speaking, reading and writing for different purposes in English.
*Learning about school and community life in Canada helps to make visible cultural norms. This helps with language development and integration into life in Canada. *Language learning is experiential and rooted in context. *Actively participating in Canadian and home culture activities and routines builds intercultural competencies and understanding. *Initial language learning requires active participation in a safe learning community
This course will enable students to: •develop a basic level of language proficiency in receptive and expressive language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing •develop an understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities •develop and preserve pride in their own heritage while developing language and skill sets in