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Grade 12

Foods Lab Technician 12

SD36 Surrey

Independent School self-directed course. Allows students to develop the skills and attitudes related to being a laboratory assistant. Provides students with an opportunity to learn and utilize safety procedures, demonstrate proper food safety and equipment usage; and prepare and evaluate laboratory demonstrations and experiments for classroom use. In-depth study of laboratory and inventory management, workplace organization and preparedness. Evaluate resources for appropriateness. Explore careers.

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Goals and Rationale

This course is designed to give students additional opportunities to apply their food studies knowledge and further develop their basic kitchen skills in a practical setting. The students will benefit from practicing and refining their analytical, management and problem-solving skills. The skills and confidence learned will greatly benefit them in a workplace environment and in their personal life. An opportunity to learn and practice desirable job-related leadership skills.

Big Ideas

• Services and food products can be designed through consultation and collaboration. • Choose how to organize, clean, cook and store a variety of foods. • Design recipes and menus with accuracy and precision. • Evaluate and choose appropriate technology when designing and preparing food labs • Evaluate and choose sustainable management of provisions

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