Holocaust 12: Beyond The Shoah
designed for students wanting to learn about the Holocaust, or Shoah (Hebrew term meaning "catastrophe") & going beyond the confines of the Nazi regime & the traditional learning time periods of: 1933-1939: Pre WW2 & the Holocaust; 1939-1945: WW2 & the Holocaust
a precedent-setting course, designed specifically to be pedagogically updated, to teach the "totality" of the Holocaust & Jewish experience.
Who are Jews (what does it mean to be Jewish); develop an appreciation for Jewish history, culture, faith & perseverance. Historic & Nazi Antisemitism. The Holocaust. Holocaust Denial & Modern Antisemitism.
Can be a successful experience for students who have, or have not, taken Genocide Studies 12, World History 12, or Social Justice 12. Students should know this course does not meet their SS grad requirement but is an academic senior elective.