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Grade 12

Learning Strategies 12

SD05 Southeast Kootenay

This course is designed to help students develop essential learning strategies and study skills to enhance their academic success. Students will explore various methods for organization, time management, note-taking, test preparation and review, critical thinking, and goal setting.

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Goals and Rationale

The Learning Strategies course is crucial for students as it equips them with essential skills and strategies that are fundamental to their academic success and lifelong learning. This course goes beyond subject-specific content and focuses on developing transferable skills that are applicable across various subjects and real-life situations.

Big Ideas

Foundations of Learning: Understanding the foundational skills and strategies necessary for effective learning and academic success Personal Growth and Development: Recognizing the importance of self-regulation, goal setting, and reflection in personal and academic growth. Personalized Learning Pathways: Recognizing that each student has unique learning needs, preferences, and goals. Self-Regulated Learning: Recognizing that each student has unique learning needs, preferences, and goals.

Additional Information

By the end of the course, students will have developed a toolkit of learning strategies and study skills that will serve them well in their academic pursuits and beyond.

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