Learning Strategies
Provide students the opportunity to develop self-awareness of their own learner profile, be proactive in their learning process. Support student success in core academic areas & assist in the areas of organization, time management, & social emotional well-being. Focus on independence, advocacy skills, & personal goal setting combined with addressing study skills & organizational techniques related to literacy & numeracy will provide a foundation for successful school completion and learning.
Focuses on learning strategies to help students become stronger, more Independent School learners. Students learn how to develop & apply literacy & numeracy skills, personal management skills, & interpersonal & teamwork skills to improve their learning & achievement in school, the workplace & the community. The course helps students build confidence & motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school & beyond. Students will become familiar with the core competencies, strength/stretch
Successful learners recognize their unique learning styles. Successful learners utilize strengths to achieve success (core competencies). Students develop self-advocacy and resilience for life-long success. Personal goal-setting develops confidence and motivation. Students use strategies to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. students should be aware of their unique strengths & to use strategies to take advantage of their strengths to maximize their success in secondary school & beyond.
Board/Authority Prerequisite(s): Learning Resource student as identified by the School Based Team/Student Support Services (Psycho-educational testing (or pending), achievement testing, establishing the existence of a learning disability.