Peer Tutoring 12
Peer tutoring is a participation-based course that provides students the opportunity to be proactive in providing assistance and mentorship to others in their school community. Students will work under teacher supervision in a variety of learning contexts where they will personally engage and build connections. Students will be provided with opportunities to learn positive role modelling, interpersonal skills, empathy, leadership, teamwork and conflict management strategies.
This course offers the opportunity for students to explore and recognize how people learn, including themselves. Peer Tutoring clearly meets the core competencies in the BC Curriculum. There are numerous opportunities to allow for communication, reflection and evaluation. Students will be provided with opportunities to learn positive role modeling, interpersonal skills, empathy, leadership, teamwork and conflict management strategies.
• Using cognitive tools and strategies can help students become more effective learners • Reviewing and reflecting on personal learning and actions helps develop self-awareness • Using a variety of teaching approaches leads to successful learning • Safe and healthy communities are built from an education system inclusive of all learners and where their unique connections and contributions are acknowledged
Recommended Instructional Components: The teacher will design instructional strategies that: • acknowledge the social nature of learning; • embed formative assessment practices such as learning intentions, criteria, questions, descriptive feedback, self and peer-assessment; • provide opportunities for students to share learning and reflect; • utilize technologies and other tools in purposeful ways