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Grade 10

Social Interactions 10

SD36 Surrey

This course has been designed to help students develop skills in order to become successful in their personal and social interactions with others. Students will have the opportunity to practice techniques and strategies, to examine effective techniques connected to social learning situations and skills, and to engage in problem-solving activities that are personalized and relevant.

Approval Date:
Trax Code:
Goals and Rationale

Social Interactions provides direct and specific instruction to develop student knowledge, self-awareness and skills and to engage students in positive and effective social interactions. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate learning in the context of their personal social environment.

Big Ideas

• How we communicate shapes our interactions with others • Communication is a learned social skill • Social interactions occur in different environments and situations • Communication and social interactions are shaped by the ability to self-regulate • Positive social interactions are a foundation of safe, respectful, and caring communities

Additional Information

Recommended Instructional Components: The teacher will design instructional strategies that: • acknowledge the social nature of learning; • embed formative assessment practices such as learning intentions, criteria, questions, descriptive feedback, self and peer-assessment; • provide opportunities for students to share learning and reflect; • utilize technologies and other tools in purposeful ways

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