French Immersion: Free K-7 Digital Resources
From July 2022 - June 2025, Focused ED members have free access to IDÉLLO and Live It Earth, two Canadian-created, French Immersion K-7 resources for instructional purposes. Free access is made available through funding from the Ministry of Education, with support from the Government of Canada. These resources are separate from licenses for the BC Digital Classroom collection.
IDÉLLO (FR) for French Immersion
The resource is licensed and made available to teachers in French Immersion programs. It includes over 15,000 French language educational materials: videos, games, websites, applications, teaching tools. These are relevant and categorized according to subject matter and school grade.
District/school FSL Coordinators will have access to live webinars to enable implementation of the website and its resources during the 2022-23 school year, in order to support French Immersion teachers.
Educator Access: IDÉLLO is available only to K-7 French Immersion educators who are current members of Focused ED (all B.C. school districts).
Creating Teacher accounts: French Instructions English Instructions
Professional Learning: Teacher webinars, focusing on strategies and activities for student engagement, will be offered through the year. Schedules will be posted here.
Live it Earth (FR/EN)
The Live It Earth bilingual suite focuses on place-based, hybrid learning experiences. It offers hours of cross-curricular programming, informed by Indigenous perspectives and supplemented by extensive instructional supports. It includes how-to videos, inquiry guides, slide shows and pro-d materials, and allows for the customization of presentation materials. The website search engine allows teachers to filter resources in relation to BC Curriculum.
Creating Teacher Accounts: Teachers create accounts using their district/school email account. This requires a passcode for the initial registration. The passcode has been provided to your district/school lead media specialist, FSL coordinator, and persons responsible for educational and operational software access.
Professional Learning: Live it Earth offers webinars on current materials, and a monthly live Q/A webinar as new programs are launched. See the calendar of events here .
Educator Access: Live it Earth is available to all K-7 educators who are members of Focused ED.