Challenging Homophobia in Schools Handbook

This engaging, comprehensive handbook on LGBTQ issues can be used in all B.C. schools. It includes sections on rationale and background information, age-appropriate lesson plans for primary, intermediate, and secondary grades, and helpful web, print, DVD, and video resources, and community groups and services for LGBTQ youth. Lesson plans can be used individually or as a unit in Health and Career Education (4-9) and Planning 10, and include learning outcomes, vocabulary, context, activities, handouts, resources, glossary of terms, and assessment ideas. The material and lessons can also be used in many school situations (PAC meetings, professional development workshops, etc.). Assessment ideas do not include rubrics. Note that the statistics used in "Just the Facts...On Gay and Lesbian Students and Schools" are outdated (early 1990s), but more current research and statistics are used throughout the rest of the resource. Teachers should familiarize themselves with the information before proceeding to the lesson plans. Educators and students are encouraged to examine derogatory language and focus on the harm that these terms do to people, and educators are encouraged to speak out and educate regarding myths and stereotypes about sexual orientation and gender identity. A section that outlines the legal rights and obligations of educators as it pertains to sexuality education is included, as is a comprehensive chronology of advances in LGBT rights in Canada and in B.C.
Career Education
  • K-12

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