
Focused Education provides members with tools and services to support the technical implementation of licensed digital resources. 

We host virtual and in-person opportunities to foster networking and sharing among technology leaders. From these conversations, we identify potential opportunities for future collaboration, services, and resource development.

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Networking Opportunities

Throughout the year, Focused Education facilitates webinar presentations, by members and invited experts, on topics of interest to members. 

We invite CIOs to an annual planning and networking session, held in conjunction with the IT4K12 conference. 

We also facilitate Viva Engage (Yammer) groups for informal networking and discussion for individuals with specific roles and responsibilities. 

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Digital Classroom Collection Technical Support

Focused Education provides tools and information to make it easier for districts and schools to access the Digital Classroom licensed resources. 

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Analytics Dashboard

Districts and independent schools have access to an Analytics Dashboard to track their usage of the Digital Classroom Collection by product, school, and device. This information can be used to inform professional development activities, decisions on device support requirements, and future resource licensing. 

Contact [email protected] for information on the Analytics Dashboard.

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Link field url: #fortinet

Fortinet Education Service

As part of their Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, Fortinet has customized its Security Awareness and Training Service for the education sector to develop greater awareness of how to navigate safely in the cyber-world. This service is available at no charge to K-12 school districts across Canada, in both English and French. 

Focused Education has reviewed the service and sees value in the content, which addresses a gap in the K-12 sector. We have developed information sheets for members’ reference and consideration.

Member Access

Get access to enhanced member-only content with a user account:

  • Member Directory
  • Evaluated Resources
  • PIA Templates & Resources
  • Procurement Agreements