Global and Intercultural Studies
Offers students an opportunity to delve deeply into what culture is and how it impacts the way we live, what we believe & how we interact with each other.
Support the ongoing development of Positive Personal & Cultural Identities. Help students to value their own and others' personal & cultural narratives & understand how they shape identity. Promote & practice effective, culturally sensitive communication skills. Promote a willingness to participate in new experiences, both within & outside of the school community. Develop an understanding that increasing interconnectedness of global society carries both positive & negative implications.
Understand the role of positive personal & cultural identity for self & others. Culturally sensitive communication requires authentic practice in a variety of contexts. Communicating well in another language includes nuances & key conversational phrases. Intercultural experiences can happen locally as well as abroad.
Aboriginal Worldview and Perspectives: Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential & relational. Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one's actions. Learning involves generational roles & responsibilities. Learning recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge. Learning involves patience & time. Learning requires exploration of one's identity. Learning involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission & in certain situations.