Evaluation Criteria Guides for Selection Processes and Policy Development
This page contains information and resources to support district development of policy, process and practice for the evaluation, selection and acquisition of learning resources for use in the classroom. Click on the hyperlinks or images below to open the document/URL.
Process: Tools for Local Resource Consideration
The purpose of this information is to support selection of resources for classroom use. Teacher-librarians may refer to these resources, but the teacher-librarian role, and the criteria for developing a library or learning commons collection may be broader than teacher resource selection for classroom instruction.
Reviewing a Resource For Classroom Use
Refer to these 5 points as guidelines of best practice in the selection of resources.
Use this template when reviewing digital or print resources: Criteria Template
Social Considerations
How to Apply Social Considerations in the Review Process
Social Considerations Explanation: Rationale/What to Look for

Understanding Your Learners’ Needs
BC Healthlinks information – see parent resource section on Growth and Development Milestones (Physical growth, cognitive development, emotional and social development, language development, and sensory and motor development)
Considerations for Students with Special Needs
Lexile – Understanding Reading Levels. Levelling Comparison Chart
ARC BC site for Universal Design for Learning considerations.
Process: Building Awareness and Understanding of Review Processes
Take the introductory Moodle 1-hour course on Selecting Learning Resources for the Classroom
- Learn to Use the Copyright Fair Dealing Decision Tool
- Develop Awareness of Privacy Practices for Educators